The ESP degree requires students to complete EITHER a study abroad or an internship experience in order to graduate. The Global Renewable Energy Education Network (GREEN) is an organization that takes students abroad to access energy generation facilities and tour water management sites, unlike anything you could ever do here in the U.S. Plus they throw in some really fun activities and visit unique locations to make each trip amazing!
Right now GREEN is offering 3 short term (10-12 days) travel programs - Iceland, Peru, and Fukushima, Japan. The travel alone does not carry credits, so students need to concurrently enroll in EGEE 299 and complete assessments to earn credit for their trips.
We are hosting an online meet and greet with the GREEN team at 9PM Eastern time, April 4.
Please try to log on to learn more about the program! If you'd like to attend the event, tune in to: is external)