Energy and Sustainability Policy
Program Office

Energypath Scholarships available

Energypath is the region's largest sustainable energy event attracting industry professionals, policymakers and academia throughout the region and across the United States.
Energypath is a week-long event consists of a three day pre-conference energy camp and a two day conference.  The energy camps are hands-on training in renewable energy technologies such as wind, solar pv, biomass, and micro-hydro.  You can attend all or just part of the event to receive the scholarship. A scholarship will cover meals, housing, an energy camp, and the conference.
To assist you, the Sustainable Energy Fund is proud to provide full scholarships to students and educators on a first come, first serve basis to attend Energypath 2015 at University of Scranton in Scranton, Pennsylvania July 20th through July 24th.
To register and learn more about Energypath 2015 call 610-264-4440, visit is external)
Register now! Time and space are limited!