Energy and Sustainability Policy
Program Office

AmeriCorps VISTA position: Community Garden Coordinator - Washington/Baltimore, MD

From the AmeriCorp Website:

GHCC/UMD Extension - Community Garden Coordinator

This position is sponsored by Greater Homewood Community Corporation (GHCC) in Baltimore, MD; and the VISTA member will serve with the University of Maryland Extension (UME) in Riverdale, MD. GHCC serves as the VISTA Project Sponsor to more than 20 nonprofit, government, and community organizations throughout Baltimore City and Maryland. Established in 1969 to help neighborhoods become safer, better places to live, GHCC's mission is to build and strengthen vibrant urban communities. GHCC will provide support to the University of Maryland and VISTA member throughout the year, including recruitment, training, professional development opportunities, and resources. University of Maryland Extension is part of a county-wide educational system, sponsored jointly by the University of Maryland, Prince George’s County Government, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Prince George’s County, where it is based in Maryland, is the most diverse county in the state, but it is rife with health issues, many of which stem from poor diet. County residents experience higher rates of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and cancer than the state average; and, tragically, racial and ethnic differences reveal even greater disparities. UME provides gardening and nutrition education in order to help people become healthier and more self-sufficient. Key partners for this project are William Wirt Middle School, and the Suburban Washington Resettlement Center, which includes the International Rescue Committee, Lutheran Social Services, and the Ethiopian Community Development Council.

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