Energy and Sustainability Policy
Program Office

Low Cost Study Away Opportunity for ESP students

Study Energy and Sustainability in Colorado for one week next summer with other ESP students!

The CAUSE program supports College of Earth and Mineral Science (EMS) Students like you by providing financial support for study away opportunities.

We have put together a study away trip in Denver, Boulder and Paonia, Colorado for June 22-June 30th, 2019 to explore a variety of novel sustainability applications in Colorado. Topics include urban and rural food production, “zero waste” policies, permaculture, solar photovoltaics, micro‐hydroelectricity, anaerobic digestion, hospitality, oil and gas, sustainable brewing practices and more!

Participation in this program will fulfill the study abroad/internship requirement for ESP students!

Students are responsible for associated tuition fees and a $300 committment fee. Most other costs are covered!


Attend one of our online informational sessions to learn more:

Thanks for reaching out! We will be running additional informational sessions:

Tues. 10/23 @9PM Eastern

Mon. 10/29 @ 8PM Eastern

Info session registration link:

The link to those zoom sessions is:


Or you can view the video from a previous session at:


The application can be found at:

Applications are due Nov. 2.


Please feel free to share this info with your classmates/instructors!


Contact Dan or Haley if you are unable to attend an informational session, but are interested in applying for the program!

Dan Kasper:

Haley Sankey: