The next EME Research Showcase and poster competition is being held on Monday, September 10, 2018, and the deadline for submitting posters to the competition is Friday, August 31 – just ten days from now!
Remember, it’s not just research that you can present on a poster. Internships, study abroad, capstone projects, club activities, and other educational experiences can be the topic of your poster too.
What can you win?
First place poster: $500
Second place poster: $350
Third place poster: $200
Eligibility: A student must be a registered undergraduate or graduate student in a major in the Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering in good academic standing to enter the exhibition. If you are an ESP student, please contact Brandi Robinson to discuss how your poster will be created, submitted and presented!
Poster templates: entries must use one of the department templates provided on the entry page at
Posters will be judged on their quality in three areas:
- Content: The poster should testify to the careful design and execution of the project and present clear results that are well interpreted. Text and graphics should be intended for a general audience. When applicable, the poster should include: (1) a clear, descriptive title; (2) student's name (or names, if more than one student is presenting the exhibit); (3) collaborators, advisor(s), and department(s); (4) objectives/goals; (5) methods/experiences; (6) results/findings; (7) significance to the field, to society in general, or to your education and career; (8) directions for future work; (9) acknowledgements that include funding sources and proof of regulatory committee approval, as needed.
- Appearance/Clarity: Poster dimensions are set at 3 feet high by 4 feet wide (36” x 48”). The poster should attract attention and convey information. Language should be simple and descriptions brief. Jargon should be avoided, and necessary technical terms should be defined. Spelling and grammar must be correct. All text should be large enough to be read from a distance of 4 to 6 feet. Photographs, drawings, charts, tables, or graphs should be simple, well organized, and carefully chosen to quickly explain technical concepts to a wide audience. Your topic should be clearly evident, and the layout of the poster should logical, and provide sequential information from intro to conclusion and references.
- Oral Presentation: Each student should have prepared an oral discussion of his or her exhibit, tailored specifically to make the work understandable to an educated, general audience. This discussion should be clear and concise and should include the major points presented on the poster. It must not exceed five minutes; judges will be instructed to observe this time limit. If the student worked with collaborators on the project, including his or her advisor, this presentation should clearly describe the student's role in the overall project/experience.
Poster Judging:
The poster judging session will be held between 5:00 and 6:30 PM on Monday, September 10, in the upper lobby of the Atherton Hotel, just down the street from Hosler Building at 125 S. Atherton Street, State College, PA 16801. Participants must be present to give their five-minute poster talk during that time frame. If you are interested, you will attend remotely, like in this video.
Please check out the full competition details at, and consider entering a poster this year.