Energy and Sustainability Policy
Program Office

Jan. 11 - MAREA Book Discussion

01/28/2018 - 11:30pm
"Climate of Hope"
By Michael Bloomberg and Carl Pope
(St. Martin's Press, 2017) 
With climate change, we seem to be standing still, Michael Bloomberg and Carl Pope argue that many changes have already taken place and many more are happening. We need to seek the opportunities available and adjust where we look for change and how we help make it happen.

The two authors, coming from very different perspectives, unite to suggest ways to address climate change and, in the process, improve our quality of life. Join us in our on-going search for a more sustainable future.
Join us for a congenial discussion of this provocative topic. All are welcome! (even if you haven't read the book)
Next MAREA Meeting will be Tuesday, January 30, 2018!